Fast Track to a Cure 5K is inspired by Oligo survivors, families and friends who have a passion for our mission and want to make a difference in the lives of those living with Oligodendroglioma.
These families are working to find a cure.
The Currier Family
Three years ago, the Currier family teamed up with Oligo Nation to support research to find a cure for this rare form of brain cancer. Stanley Currier had just experienced 2 grand mal seizures and was shortly thereafter diagnosed with Grade 3 oligodendroglioma. Our family, friends, and colleagues jumped on board to do everything in our power to help bring research into the clinic with a mission for long term survivorship for Stanley and others affected by this cancer. We are so grateful to so many of you for your ongoing support!
We would love for you to join us in person or virtually on September 21!
Lauren Montanelli Story
My journey started on Nov 9, 2021, during a work meeting when four words that I was thinking about saying in a conversation came out differently. On January 3, 2022, I went to the ER with speech issues and forehead pressure and got an MRI. The ER doctor told me the image was a mass, but I knew this because my body had told me for over a year. The days went fast and a lot of decisions were made and my surgery was on my mom’s birthday, January 20, at UCSF and I was given the diagnosis of Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma grade 3, IDH mutated, 1p/19q co-deleted Cancer.
After surgery, I wanted to work as much as possible to preserve my speech. My goal was to say my kids’ names “Austin and Avery.” I still have a speech disability and reading comprehension issues but every day, I am stronger and I work so hard on my new normal.
I finished chemo in October 2022, and I started back to work full-time shortly after … slower than before surgery but I am so proud of myself. My support team of friends, family, colleagues, doctors and therapists are amazing, especially my speech therapist – I don’t know what I would do without her.
If anyone is struggling with speech changes, a brain tumor or cancer, I am an open book, please contact me.