Frequently Asked Questions
Will Donating tissue affect my medical care?
Your participation in the Oligo Nation tissue donation program will have no effect on your medical care. Tissue provided to the Oligo Nation Biobank is “extra” tissue that is not needed for your medical care.
Will I learn about the results of research performed on my tissue?
No, the tumor tissue you donate will be used to build cell lines and models of the oligodendroglioma. To the extent models are successfully developed, they will made available to the research community, identifying the key genetic signatures of that model, but nothing about the tissue donor. These models will be used by numerous scientists involved in different medical research projects.
Will I be paid for donating my tumor tissue?
No. While your tissue is the critical starting point to develop cell lines, models and other research tools, Oligo Nation and others will be spending many thousands of dollars to have researchers develop tools with these tissue samples. You may want to participate in this program because this program will likely help researchers around the world to better understand oligodendroglioma and perform research that could lead to better treatments.
Does it matter when I contact Oligo Nation?
The ideal time is before you have surgery since this tissue can be used to develop cell lines and mouse models. Once you know that you will be having surgery, please contact us at:
(707) 861-9525
[email protected]
What if I already had surgery?
Each oligodendroglioma tumor is valuable for research. Tissue from a previous surgery might be stored at the hospital where you were treated. Let us know when and where you had surgery, and we will attempt to locate and obtain this tissue.
What About privacy?
Your privacy is very important to us. To protect your privacy, each tissue sample sent to the Oligo Nation Biobank is labeled with a unique identification number and any personal information is removed. Researchers see only these identification numbers, so they never know the identity of the donors whose samples they receive.